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“Living your Diamond Soul”


Hello, I'm Daniela. 
I'm happy that you found me, it's not a coincidence, because there are no coincidences,
we were attracted to each other.

You were led to me because we have a soul meeting, no matter what your profession or calling is.
I was born as a four-channel medium and have the 4 clairvoyances, in the 4th generation.
I have been working in media life coaching for many years.

Through our soul appointment, my mentor Patricia St. Clair was led to me,
and with that everything began, my new being as a sparkling diamond.

My development progressed at record speed.
Through the following training with her, I was able to recognize that my soul has
a big plan and it was revealed to me what my soul mission is,
who and what I am and why I am incarnated on earth.

I am incarnated to act as a leader for the new paradigm in Divine Love for you in the
current transition period on the way to the New Time - the 5th. Dimension - to support,

To take you by the hand and accompany you on your soul journey there. 
My frequency Designing in Divine Love will enable you to enlighten your soul to let
it sparkle like a diamond and your life as a diamond soul with all that you carry in your soul,
to let emerge and to materialize all your soul desires 

Everything will change, nothing will last anymore. Nothing is as we were taught.
We are allowed to recognize who we truly are, what our soul mission is and how we perfect our soul.

Enlighten yours soul and sparklye like a diamond
You will enlighten your soul and it will sparkle like a diamond.
My frequencies are based on Grace Integrity® frequencies and light codes,
energetic alignments®, clearings and healings according to Patricia Saint Clair.

Grace Intergrity® is the universal, cosmic Christ Consciousness, the so-called Solar Logos. 
Our true self is connected to it and receives its information from it.
Grace Integrity is the strongest and purest healing frequency available to us at the moment,
in order to continually increase your frequency and increase your manifestation power.

Grace Intergrity® is the key to perceiving and understanding your soul impulses and
to living the life you want from a pure heart.

Through my frequency design, you go out of your ego and we connect your heart,
which has a 5000-fold frequency, with your mind. So you come into pure feeling and stretching
Your frequencies and your soul go further and further out.

Your true self emerges.
Your soul shows you your path.
You will learn to hear her voice and if you implement your soul impulses, you will create miracles.
You will learn to implement EVERYTHING with me and my frequencies and create the most
wonderful life for yourself - faster than you think possible.

You are the creator of your own reality through your awareness.
I'll show you your path to your soul-guided happiness with my frequencies.
You recognize who and what you are in truth, what you are incarnated here for in truth,
at this time of ascension, and you manifest and materialize everything you need into your life.

Layer by layer, your soul will free itself from the limitations of the ego-led illusion of duality.
I'll take you on a journey to yourself and into the energy of the new time.
You can return to your original creative power, bring your soul home, your true self and with it.
to be the creator of the highest abundance.

Shine bright like a diamond
Love with all my heart, Daniela


“Living your Diamond Soul”

shine bright like a diamond









Grace IntergrityⓇ New Paradigma Love Divine God Codes



A notice:

The services offered exclude all liability and exclude any warranty and serve personal growth and self-knowledge. They do not replace medical therapy or treatment!


The full service of my frequency transmissions always begins immediately from the day of booking, so no refund of the price is possible for Grace IntegrityⓇ code transmissions, clearings and healings or my other frequency rooms and coaching sessions.


All services offered,  Services in the sense of media consultations,  like healings, clearings,  Erections, management consulting and all other types of coaching, etc. do not constitute medical, psychiatric or psychological treatment or medical therapy.

All services offered do not constitute legal or financial advice and are provided without any guarantee of success. 

Otherwise, claims for damages are excluded.

I make no promises of healing and make no diagnoses. Current therapies can legally be interrupted or canceled immediately, but should not be interrupted or canceled if possible.

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