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Energetic straightening® of the spine


Price for group appointment €300 + €100 for the recommended follow-up treatment after one week


Price for an individual appointment €500 + €100 for the recommended follow-up treatment after one week



This frequency transmission of the diamond light ray of the divine source occurs as a long-distance transmission and works in the highest vibration of the Christ Consciousness.

The energetic alignment causes the complete connection back to the source, the diamond light beam penetrates the spine and our consciousness so that all blockages in the energy system can be released for eternity.


The spine is visibly straightened without touching it - shoulder crookedness and leg length discrepancies are visibly corrected within a few minutes and the entire system in all of our body cells is brought back into divine harmony and order.

The energetic straightening of the spine works in an almost miraculous way without any contact with the body.


Energetic Straightening® is the basis of all-encompassing healing for a person.

This energetic work causes incredible changes in all of our energetic body cells. This upliftment is all-encompassing and reaches deep into the soul level! Life energy begins to flow freely again.


Internal healing is followed by physical healing and our strongest self-healing powers are activated. The gate to health in divine harmony is open!


Our consciousness is the creator of our own reality. Every illness is an expression of a lack of harmony. Old mental conflicts and emotional injuries that have not yet been able to be forgiven and let go can express themselves as pain through our bodies. Every illness has its cause in consciousness. Permanent healing is only possible at this level.


Divine order will be restored. Old mental conflicts and emotional injuries that have not yet been dealt with and can be expressed through pain in the entire musculoskeletal system are released at the deepest cellular level.


The spine is straightened, the old soul ties and energy bands are severed and connected to the frequency patterns of the new paradigm. This conscious, constant connection to the divine matrix releases karma and all attachments and finally allows a life of abundance on all levels.

Clarifying unconscious emotions is the prerequisite for finding forgiveness, self-love, trust and balance. Only with clarified, pure emotions/feelings can true healing take place.


Energetic Straightening® is not just limited to the spine, everything has an energetic spine, everything is energy so everything can be straightened and raised to a higher frequency.





People, children, children with learning difficulties, concentration problems……

Animals, families, relationships of all kinds, interpersonal relationships, workplace relationships with colleagues or workplace conflicts, workplaces, offices, at school and school problems, companies, companies, buildings, houses, land, apartments, apartments……


After the energetic alignment, physical healing begins immediately and noticeably.

Everything will gradually be put in the right order!


The free flow of energy in all chakras is established, the human energy and conduction systems are harmonized and healing begins.


Back pain and discomfort in the knees and hip areas often disappear completely.

Muscle tension, which has often been experienced for many years and is persistent, settles down into a pleasant sense of well-being.

The body can relax again because it no longer has to constantly correct the imbalance.


Migraines, headaches, difficulty concentrating and sleep disorders can be resolved.

Children and animals react to this in a wonderfully balanced way.


All blockages and complaints that have accumulated over the course of life due to crooked posture and poor blood circulation in the body gradually come back into balance and everything flows in harmony again.

Pain caused by constant overuse and joint problems also resolves over time.


It all feels wonderfully balanced and it affects all levels of life, relationships and family.


It would be beyond the scope to list all the benefits of this energetic healing here.







Energetic alignment group appointment adults

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