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Energetic alignment by Patricia St. Clair in Grace Integrity children up to 12 years


For children up to 12 years of age for a group appointment €150 + €50 for the recommended follow-up treatment after one week


The energetic alignmentⓇ of the New Time according to Patricia Saint Clair is also the most wonderful thing for our beloved children that can be given to them.


We are mutually energetically connected to you, i.e. if we are not balanced, neither are the children and vice versa.


Your child will show you when energies are in imbalance. Children are much more sensitive than us adults and react immediately to any kind of low energy.


Children are the clearest mirrors for us adults.


If the child is not feeling well, it would be best if the parents could also be helped; indications are always constant arguments and discussions, as well as constant illnesses or sad moods within the family.


In addition to influences within the family, enough energies also flow into the children at school or in kindergarten, e.g. words, patterns, behavior from other children, educators or teachers.


Unfortunately, the old school system no longer suits the children of the new era and many children suffer greatly as a result.


Every baby is born as a divine being full of purity and love.

Every child is unique and wonderful and through the energetic alignmentⓇ they can return to their innate lightness. Children are even more connected to the spiritual world, they thank us parents when they are allowed to come back into the divine connection and stay.


The energetic straighteningⓇ activates all-encompassing healing and straightens the spine. supports fears, doubts, lack of trust, insecurities and feelings of guilt.


Every lower energy is raised into divine love and everything is brought into divine order.


It activates the highest level of self-healing and helps when children cannot sleep peacefully or have difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep.


She gives love when they are restless or sad.


After the energetic alignmentⓇ your child will change completely.

Energetic alignment group appointment for children up to 12 years

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