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Energetic alignmentⓇ, cleaning and decluttering of apartments, houses and properties


Energetic alignment is not just limited to the spine.


Everything is energy and so when you change apartment, house or property, the previous owner's energy is automatically left behind, i.e. stored energetically.


Every argument, every loud word, every discussion of various topics or when previous owners have died - everything is stuck in the rooms as energy in the field, but even when you build a new building, the energies are stored on the property by previous owners for centuries or even millennia .


Not to forget the earth rays, water veins and other energetic rays and interference frequencies, as well as the energies of the craftsmen during construction.


Everything can be set up energetically:

Bank accounts, houses, company buildings, corporations, practices, law firms, restaurants, hotels, business premises, companies.


The vibration in the room, in the company, in the practice..., in the family has a major influence on well-being, but also on money flow, customer flow, etc.


With the frequency of energetic alignmentⓇ in Grace IntegrityⓇ by Patricia St. Clair, everything is cleansed and decluttered, low frequencies that are stored are converted into the highest frequency of love.


Immediately the room or place feels completely different. The clear, purified energy can be felt immediately by every person. You immediately feel much more comfortable and or at home.


Business premises immediately notice this in the increasing flow of customers and the harmonious working atmosphere.


It is also highly recommended when selling a house, because the house or apartment will find new owners more quickly and will also fetch a higher price.


The price for an energetic alignmentⓇ interference suppression and frequency clearing for your living space is


from €1000 depending on size

Energetic alignment house clearing

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