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Feeling your Diamond Soul


including an increase in frequency on your topic and an energetic alignmentⓇ


With this frequency designing, I accompany you 2-3 days beforehand with a Grace Integrity® Clearing on your topic.

Afterwards I will do a healing session, which will bring you into even deeper relaxation.

This allows us to create a relaxed atmosphere within you regarding your topic.

In frequency design you will notice that the load on your view is softened and in conversation you will quickly and easily find access to your topic. You will find it much easier to get involved with the solution with me and you will be able to contribute significantly to it. We change your perspective, step by step.

YOU experience wonderful breakthroughs and in relation to the severity of the issue, often things that you have carried with you all your life, the solution suddenly becomes very easy.


With me you have a strong partner at your side. I miss NOTHING!


After the session you will remain in the Grace Integrity® Healing sphere for 1-2 days and heal and integrate what has emerged.


Things previously hidden within you, family secrets... Everything is revealed and released so that you can really continue on your path.


I will accompany you in a one-off frequency design or over a longer period of time, this will become clear during the conversation and we can put together a complete package, for example in a month's mentoring, in which the price for this design would then be included. Don't worry, I care about your salvation, we will find the right thing for you, the path you want to take with me.

You always decide.



1 – 1.5 hours ​1277,-- €

Feeling your Diamond Soul

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