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Grace Integrity® Clearing

by Patricia St Clair

Space of clarity

Old, past, stressful, known and unknown things are gently removed from you and flow back to you, cleansed and transformed. During these 48 hours you will go through a deep transformation process.

Mental detox.

Just like with a physical detox or a fast, toxins and toxins that stand in the way of you and your free life are released. You may experience a bit of a rollercoaster ride during this time, or old shadows may appear again.

Headaches, pressure - these are all good signs because something old wants to go. You come into balance. Drink plenty of fresh water during this time and, if possible, treat yourself to rest, sleep and fresh air. Enjoy yourself.

Let everything be there. It shows up to go!

Accept everything and transform it into love immediately.

This space tidies up, makes things clear, liberates. You feel like a new person!

At the same time, you are protected and bathe in the purest frequencies of love. Feelings of happiness flow and you absorb them. Old attachments, addictions, dependencies, etc. are always released. Trust the process. It's different for everyone. Every clearing is different. Everything that happens is perfect and right!

Do you want to move on now, move forward?

Do you now want to stop telling yourself stories or letting your mind in conjunction with the ego tell you stories?

Free yourself and book yourself a clearing. A clearing is like a major cleaning. A preparation for all the beautiful things that you will magnetize into your life in the future. Everything is already there. Everything is frequency. Let’s get it in order – in divine order.


The most sensible thing to do at this time is to take part in clearings again and again, because it is the easiest way to become free as quickly as possible from attachments and imprints that stick to us like cement. Every clearing is a gift and will free you more and more.

So many energies can now transform into great energies that you will feel.

Now immerse yourself in this clarifying space and feel how all burdensome attachments fall away from you. Feel reborn.

Rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

Select a clearing that appeals to you below. You can find the clearing topics and all upcoming dates here:


Grace Integrity® Clearing

Topic follows




You can also book a Grace Integrity® individual clearing

on a topic of your choice

You can also book a clearing in a sphere created especially for you for your very specific topic for which you would like deep clarification and healing. After you book, we will discuss your desired topic and arrange an appointment:



Grace Integrity®

Individual clearing




At any time



Grace Integrity®



Individual clearing



Grace Integrity Clearing one-on-one appointment

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