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Grace Integrity Healing individual appointment



With Grace Integrity® Healing, deep healing occurs within you.


Your conscious, suppressed injuries, which you wanted to experience according to the soul plan, will be brought into healing.

This is also important because these injuries prevent you from surrendering to perfect love.


Everything that you reject, evaluate, that makes you angry, angry, unfair, moody or dissatisfied, you do out of fear, which is an illusion in order to no longer allow deep feelings and to protect yourself, out of your ego.


In a GI Healing, Grace Integrity® flows to you like balm and brings everything back into balance - you open yourself and perceive the wonderful healing energy of Grace Integrity®.


You can let yourself go and immerse yourself in your topic; I will hold the space for you with the highest love healing frequencies. You can give up your inner distance and devote yourself to healing, consciously perceive it and transform everything into love.

Grace Integrity Healing individual appointment

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