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Grace Integrity Soul Embodiment Adults

✨Grace Integrity® - Soul Embodiment – 3:1 Code Transmission by Patricia Saint Clair


Receive the Grace Integrity Light Code from me and embody your soul.

It usually takes us at least 60 years to fully embody our soul and free ourselves from all karmic entanglements and lovingly integrate our soul voice.


With Grace Integrity, the light code directly from the Solar Logos of the Central Sun, this happens immediately - it is a light information of Christ Consciousness that transforms everything in you into love.


You come more and more into unity within yourself, merged with your male and female divine self, all your soul aspects come back to you and embody. Foreign soul aspects or foreign energies are sent back to their true owners.


Soul embodiment is the most powerful healing energy currently available to us. Your vibration will be increased immediately, creating a completely new life within 1 - 2 years after the code transmission.


The illusions you have built up in duality and show you the heaviness and baggage in your life dissolve by themselves and your true self shows you the right path from now on, in lightness, love, gratitude, life friends and abundance.


You recognize who and what you truly are and why you are truly incarnated, what your soul plan is.


Everything changes into ease and you only attract true, highest gifts into your life. The love for you and in you becomes bigger and bigger and your heart magnet magnetizes everything that belongs to you according to your soul plan and you materialize it into your life.

Grace Integrity Children and Animals

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