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Grace Integrity®: The Light Code of Universal Christ Consciousness


The True Self returns home completely.

Receive the Grace Integrity Light Code from me and embody your soul.


Grace Integrity® is the complete integration of the soul in the physical body.


With Grace Integrity® you experience the complete integration of your lost female and male soul aspects and feel how your true self becomes more and more complete.

But aspects that you still carry from others flow back to where they truly belong. 

Over time, the parts that want to be integrated become apparent. Both your soul aspects and issues that you deeply reject, such as anger, sadness, fears, lack, illness, doubts, jealousy and envy, but also untrue people, untrue life circumstances around you. Simply everything that no longer corresponds to the frequency of your united soul shows itself and is merged by your soul in divine love, transformed and integrated in love.


Everything you were looking for on the outside is now complete within you. You are perfect.


Now feel what an infinite, special being you truly are.

Your clairvoyance is strengthened in your 3rd eye and your body begins with immediate healing reactions. Your soul shines in the light of divine fusion and shows you your path. You begin to shine in divine love.


The Grace Integrity® Transmission


Everyone who has received Grace Integrity® touches other people with Grace, thereby activating in others the memory of their True Self.




Grace Integrity® is the integration of the lost divine soul parts. Rejuvenation of the cells, strength, luminous energies, abundance on all levels and health are just a few aspects. Without soul embodiment, an ascent into the new paradigm through the eye of the needle is not possible.


2. Grace Integrity® MANIFESTATION 3:1 Code Transfer


The Grace Integrity® Manifestations Code is an extension of the Grace Integrity® Code, a wonderful heart opening with the most beautiful vibrations of love. You begin to love your true self deeply and only listen to your heart. All manifestations that you perceive with a strong pulsation and vibration in your heart immediately manifest into reality.


3. Grace Integrity® MENTAL~HEART~FUSION 3:1 code transfer


Grace Integrity® MENTAL~HEART~FUSION is the next expansion of the Grace Integrity® code. It is the merging of the mind, thoughts, (mental body) with the heart. With this, you become ever clearer in your true self and recognize every ego motivation immediately.

The ego loses more and more leadership every day and gives the leadership back to the merged heart force. The heart becomes the magnet of your reality! Information, wishes and impulses only come from the divine source, your soul voice. Everything is very easy joy, love, joy, gratitude and abundance on all levels. 


What happens after the Grace Integrity® transfer


Grace Integrity® lets your lost soul parts return.

Normally it takes at least 60 years to fully embody the soul, to release and heal from all karmic entanglements, connections and injuries, and to lovingly integrate the ego.

It is a process that happens through Grace Integrity® in just 1 - 2 years, step by step. Should emotional reactions appear, the reason for this is the resistance of a strong ego does not want to be integrated. Everything that appears, for one reason only, is now transformed, merged and integrated in love.

Love continues to spread within you, your true self becomes more and more self-confident. Your clairvoyance increases. A wonderful lightness accompanies you. The presence of your true self is particularly noticeable on the physical level. Your body and your appearance will change over the course of 1 - 2 years .

You shine and shine like a diamond.

Feelings of guilt, doubts and fears belong to the past, pure illusion of duality.

It is now coming together one by one according to your divine soul plan: True love partners meet each other, deep trust manifests itself, abundance on all levels and health are part of your life. All aspects that belong to you are integrated, your potential and inherent talents are strengthened. You love life in every moment with the highest possible feeling of happiness out of pure love of the heart and a high level of happiness. Frequency.



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