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Energetic Straightening® of the spine

Price group appointment €300 + €100 for the recommended follow-up treatment after one week
Price individual appointment €500 + €100 for the recommended follow-up treatment after one week

This frequency transmission of the diamond light beam of the divine source occurs as a long-distance transmission and works in the highest vibration of the Christ consciousness.
The energetic uprighting causes the complete connection back to the source,
the diamond light ray penetrates the spine and our consciousness so that all blockages in the energy system can be released for eternity ;The spine is visibly straightened without touching it -
shoulder crookedness and leg length differences are visibly equalized within a few minutes and the entire system in all our body cells is returned to divine harmony and order.

The energetic straightening of the spine works without any touching of the body almost miraculous way.
The Energetic Straightening® is the basis of all-encompassing healing in a person.
This energetic work causes incredible changes in all of our energetic body cells.
This upliftment is all-encompassing and reaches deep into the soul level!
The life energy begins to flow freely again.
The inner healing is followed by the physical healing and our strongest self-healing powers are activated.
The gate to health in divine harmony is open! Our consciousness is the creator of our own reality.

Every illness is an expression of a lack of harmony. Old mental conflicts and emotional injuries that have not yet been able to be forgiven and let go can be expressed as pain in our bodies. Every illness has its cause in consciousness. Permanent healing is only possible on this level. The divine order is restored. Old mental conflicts and emotional injuries that have not yet been dealt with and can be expressed through pain in the entire musculoskeletal system are released at the deepest cellular level.
The spine is straightened, the old soul ties and energy bands are severed and the frequency patterns of the new paradigm are applied connected. This conscious, constant connection to the divine matrix releases karma and all attachments and finally allows a life in abundance on all levels.
The clarification of unconscious emotions is the prerequisite for finding forgiveness, self-love, trust and balance .
Only with clarified, pure emotions/feelings can true healing take place.

Energetic Straightening® is not just limited to the spine, everything has an energetic spine, everything is energy, so everything can be straightened and transformed into one higher frequency. People, children, children with learning difficulties, concentration disorders... animals, families, relationships of all kinds, interpersonal relationships, workplace relationships with colleagues or workplace conflicts, workplaces, offices, at school and school problems, companies, companies , buildings, houses, properties, apartments, apartments 

After the energetic alignment, physical healing begins immediately and noticeably.
Everything is gradually brought into the right order! The free flow of energy of all chakras is established, the energy and conduction systems of the People are harmonized and healing begins.
Back pain and discomfort in the knees and hip areas often disappear completely.
Muscle tension, which has often been experienced for many years and is persistent, settles into a pleasant sense of well-being. The body can relax again because it is not The imbalance has to be compensated for more constantly. Migraines, headaches, difficulty concentrating such as sleep disorders can be remedied.

Children and animals react to this in a wonderfully balanced way. All blockages, complaints that have accumulated over the course of life due to crooked posture, poor blood circulation in the body, Step by step, you get back into balance and everything flows in harmony again.
Pain caused by constant overload and joint problems also resolve over time.
Everything feels wonderfully balanced and it has an effect on all levels of life, relationships and family It would be beyond the scope to list all the benefits of this energetic healing here.


Energetic straightening by Patricia St. Clair in Grace Integrity

Children up to 12 years For children up to 12 years,
for an individual appointment €250 + €50 for the recommended follow-up treatment after one week
Follow-up treatment after a week 

The energetic alignmentⓇ of the New Time according to Patricia Saint Clair is also for our beloved children the most wonderful thing that can be given and given to them. 
We are mutually energetically connected to you
if we are not balanced, neither are the children and vice versa.
Your child shows you when energies are in imbalance, children are much more sensitive than us adults and react immediately to any kind of low energies. Children are the clearest mirrors for us adults.
If the child is not feeling well, it would be best if the parents could also be lifted up, the clues are always constant arguments  ;and discussions, as well as constant illnesses or sad moods within the family.

In addition to influences within the family, enough energies also flow into the children at school or kindergarten e.g. Words, patterns, behavior of other children, educators or teachers. Unfortunately, the old school system no longer corresponds to the children of the new era and many children suffer greatly because of it.
Every baby comes into being as a divine being full of purity and love World. Every child is unique and wonderful and through the energetic alignmentⓇ they can return to their innate lightness, children are even more connected to the spiritual world, they thank us parents for it, when they come back into the divine connection and are allowed to stay.
The energetic alignmentⓇ  activates the all-encompassing healing and straightens the spine. supports fears, doubts, lack of trust, insecurities and feelings of guilt. Every low energy is raised into divine love and everything is brought into divine order. It activates the highest self-healing, it helps when Children cannot sleep peacefully or have difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep.
She gives love when they are restless or sad.
After the energetic upliftment, your child will change completely.


Energetic straightening® of the spine

This frequency transmission of the diamond light ray of the divine source occurs as a long-distance transmission and works in the highest vibration of the Christ consciousness.
The energetic straightening causes the complete connection back to the source, the diamond light ray penetrates the spine and our consciousness so that all blockages in the energy system can be released for eternity.
The spine is visibly straightened without touching it - shoulder crookedness and leg length differences are visibly balanced out within a few minutes and the entire system in all of ours Body cells are returned to divine harmony and order. The energetic straightening of the spine works in an almost miraculous way without any contact with the body.

The energetic straightening® is the basis of all-encompassing healing in a person. This energetic work causes incredible changes in all of our energetic body cells. This upliftment is all-encompassing and reaches deep into the soul level! The life energy begins to flow freely again. The inner healing is followed by the physical healing and our strongest self-healing powers are activated.

The gate to health in divine harmony is open!
Our consciousness is the creator of our own reality. Every illness is an expression of a lack of harmony.
Old mental conflicts and emotional injuries that have not yet been able to be forgiven and let go can be expressed as pain in our bodies. Every illness has its cause in consciousness.
Permanent healing is only possible on this level. The divine order is restored.
Old mental conflicts and emotional injuries that have not yet been dealt with and can be expressed through pain in the entire musculoskeletal system are released at the deepest cellular level.
The spine is straightened, the old soul ties and energy bands are severed and the frequency patterns of the new paradigm are applied connected. This conscious, constant connection to the divine matrix releases all karma and all attachments and finally allows a life in abundance on all levels.

The clarification of unconscious emotions is the prerequisite for finding forgiveness, self-love, trust and balance. Only with clarified, pure emotions/feelings can true healing take place.
Energetic Straightening® is not just limited to the spine, everything has an energetic spine, everything is energy, so everything can be straightened and transformed into one higher frequency can be collected. 


Energetic straightening® of the spine


This frequency transmission of the diamond light ray from the divine source occurs as Long distance transmission and works in the highest vibration of the Christ Consciousness.


The energetic alignment causes the complete connection back to the source, the diamond light beam penetrates the spine and our consciousness so that all blockages in the energy system can be released for eternity. The spine is visibly straightened without touching it - shoulder crookedness and leg length discrepancies are visibly corrected within a few minutes and the entire system in all of our body cells is brought back into divine harmony and order.


The energetic straightening of the spine works in an almost miraculous way without any contact with the body. Energetic Straightening® is the basis of all-encompassing healing for a person.

This energetic work causes incredible changes in all of our energetic body cells.

This upliftment is all-encompassing and reaches deep into the soul level!

Life energy begins to flow freely again.

Internal healing is followed by physical healing and our strongest self-healing powers are activated.

The gate to health in divine harmony is open!


Our consciousness is the creator of our own reality.

Every illness is an expression of a lack of harmony.

Old mental conflicts and emotional injuries that have not yet been able to be forgiven and let go can express themselves as pain through our bodies.Every illness has its cause in consciousness.

Permanent healing is only possible at this level. Divine order will be restored.

Old mental conflicts and emotional injuries that have not yet been dealt with and can be expressed through pain in the entire musculoskeletal system are released at the deepest cellular level.


The spine is straightened, the old soul ties and energy bands are severed and connected to the frequency patterns of the new paradigm.

This conscious, constant connection to the divine matrix releases all karma and all attachments and finally allows a life in abundance on all levels.

The clarification of unconscious emotions is the prerequisite for forgiveness, self-love,Finding trust and balance. Only with clarified, pure emotions/feelings can true healing take place.

The Energetic Straightening® is not just limited to the spine, everything has an energetic spine,everything is energy so everything can be raised up and raised to a higher frequency. 


Energetic straighteningⓇ, cleaning and decluttering of apartments, houses, properties.

Energetic straightening is not just limited to the spine. Everything is energy and so automatically, when you change apartments, houses or sell land, the energy of the previous owner is there left behind, so stored energetically.
Every argument, every loud word, every discussion of various topics or when previous owners have died - everything is stuck in the rooms as energy in the field, but also when you build new buildings are on the property the energies stored by previous owners for centuries or even millennia.

Not to forget the earth rays, water veins and other energetic rays and interference frequencies, as well as the energies of the craftsmen during construction. Everything can be set up energetically: bank accounts, Houses, company buildings, corporations, practices, law firms, restaurants, hotels, business premises, companies.
The vibration in the room, in the company, in the practice..., in the family has a great influence on well-being,
but also on money flow, customer flow etc. 

With the frequency of energetic alignmentⓇ in Grace IntegrityⓇ by Patricia St. Clair, everything is cleaned and de-interferenced, low frequencies that are stored  converted into the highest frequency of love.
Immediately the room or place feels completely different. The clear, purified energy can be felt immediately by everyone. You immediately feel much more comfortable and at home.

Business premises immediately notice this in the increasing flow of customers and the harmonious working atmosphere. It is also very noticeable when selling a house recommend, because the house or apartment will find new owners more quickly and will also bring in a higher price.
The price for an energetic setupⓇ  deinterference and frequency clearing for your living space is from 1000€ depending on the size


Energetic alignment® of business and money flow

Are you an entrepreneur and want to transform your business from the previous mindset into the energy of the new time? Do you have problems within the team and want to bring harmony back here?
When you swing in inner balance, everything manifests itself completely differently.
I start with you, because everything is you and your business.

Then your entire company will be connected again to the actual universal order.
The Energetic Straightening® restores your flow of success, bookings, orders, deals, things are running again.... 
lull or stagnation  ends, new customer connections  with new orders emerge virtually out of nowhere.  New impulses, new ideas, new marketing strategies, you, your employees, the employees among each other, everything is new. Everyone is more committed, a new togetherness is created.

The energetic alignment® of your business means that this energy creates impulses that bring about a gigantic change.  The price for this varies depending on the size of the company and the concerns.

In order to be able to provide you and your business with ideal and successful advice, contact me.

Price from €1000 depending on size.

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